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Marissa Ebels with Sister Helen Bueche at their final banquet at the Marywood Dominican Center May 2, 2018

It always is a bit intimidating to realize just how much time has passed. The seasons in Michigan have been changing rapidly, and along with it a series of endings for many of the projects I have been working on, Sister Story being one of them. In the reflection of the experience, I have realized that this was nothing I could have mapped out myself.

Everything about this was just as unique as the people involved. Sister Helen and I have cultivated a special relationship that I believe formed in a very peculiar way. I met with her on a weekly basis, asking her many intimate and personal details of her life, both of us knowing that the end goal was the interview process. Yet everything in between was up to us. Both of us went in nervous, with our own reservations, worries or baggage. But it was the complete trust in one another that allowed for such a close bond to happen. I don’t think this relationship could have or would have happened in any other way but this. More