A refreshing look at Justice with Biblical Scholar and Dominican Sister Barbara Reid, OP
Saturday, March 15, 2025
9:30 am–12:00 pm EST
Cost: $35
Donnelly Center at Aquinas College
In the book of Proverbs, woman wisdom invites all to eat at her banquet; that is, to learn her wise ways and live well. Through the exploration of feminist approaches to select passages of Scripture, we will have a taste of transformative ways for living well. Register to join us for this Saturday morning program and conversation hosted by the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids at Donnelly Center at Aquinas College.
If you are hungry to explore new interpretations of familiar scriptural texts, interpretations that draw on women’s wisdom and a way of life that promotes Justice and equal dignity and value for women and men alike, don’t miss biblical scholar, author, and Grand Rapids Dominican Sister Barbara Reid.
Attention will be given to gender perspectives, race, class, and culture as determinative factors in how one understands the biblical text. This program includes lecture and small and large group discussion.
Facilitator: Barbara Reid, OP, Ph.D.
Biblical Scholar, Author Barbara E. Reid, OP holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., M.A. in Religious Studies, and B.A. from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI. She has served on the faculty of Catholic Theological Union since 1988. She has served as Vice President and Academic Dean from 2009 – 2018 and currently is the President since 2021. Barbara is the first female president of the Catholic Theological Union. She is the author of many books and articles and serves as general editor for the Wisdom Commentary Series, a 58-volume feminist commentary on the Bible, and is Past President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America

“Women are not alone in their efforts to build a more just society and church… A feminist… is a person who is committed to the humanity, dignity, and equality of all persons, to such an extent that she or he is willing to work for changes both in relationship patterns and in institutional structures to achieve this goal.”
~ Barbara Reid, OP, Ph.D.