Grand Rapids Dominicans pray the psalms from Dominican Praise each day. Antiphons are sung as an introduction and response to the psalms, and also before and after the Magnificat each day at evening prayer. During the last 7 days of Advent, the prayers of the Church become more intense, calling the Lord to come. So, we pray special antiphons: the O Antiphons before the Magnificat, expressing hope and expectation.
We pray that a quality of Christ will be realized before the presence of Christ fills the world. These qualities are found in the titles given to Christ: O Wisdom, O Adonai, O Flower of Jesse, O Key of David, O Radiant Dawn, O Ruler, O Emmanuel. This 7-day Advent prayer is an ancient ritual of the church dating back to the 8th century. In addition, the prayer includes a candle light procession, the proclamation of scripture and preaching.
We invite you… to come and pray the O Antiphons with us in Dominican Chapel Marywood, 7:00 – 7:45 pm, Dec 17-23.
Through our prayer, may we experience ever more deeply the unfolding mystery of Love Incarnate.
We welcome guest preachers each evening.
Sunday, December 17 O Wisdom
Monday, December 18 O Adonai
Tuesday, December 19 O Flower of Jesse
Wednesday, December 20 O Key of David
Thursday, December 21 O Radiant Dawn
Friday, December 22 O Ruler of Nations
Saturday, December 23 O Emmanuel
Art by Lisa Marie Lazio, OP