The Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids invite you to pray with us this Advent and Christmas season at Dominican Chapel at Marywood, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Dates, times, and locations of worship services appear below.
Advent Weekend Liturgies
1st Sunday of Advent December 1 / 2
4:00 pm (Sat) Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am (Sun) Eucharist: DCM Chapel
2nd Sunday of Advent December 8 / 9
4:00 pm (Sat) Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am (Sun) Eucharist: DCM Chapel
3rd Sunday of Advent December 15 / 16
4:00 pm (Sat) Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am (Sun) Eucharist: DCM Chapel
4th Sunday of Advent December 22 / 23
4:00 pm (Sat) Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am (Sun) Eucharist: DCM Chapel
Advent O Antiphons
7-Day Prayer Ritual
Dec. 17 – 23 7:00 – 7:45 pm
Dominican Chapel at Marywood
Click here for details including special guest preachers.
Advent/Christmas Events
Anointing of the Sick
Friday, December 7
9:00 am Chapel of the Word
9:45 am during Mass Aquinata Chapel
Holy Day Mass: Feast of Immaculate Conception
Saturday, December 8
9:45 am Aquinata Chapel
Reconciliation Service
Sunday, December 9
7:00 pm DCM Chapel
Mañanitas: Feast La Virgen de Guadalupe / Our Lady of Guadalupe
Wednesday, December 12
9:00 am Aquinata Chapel
We will begin by singing hymns to Mary, the patroness of the Americas. A Word/Communion Service follows.
Christmas Season Liturgies
Christmas Eve Monday, December 24
7:30 pm Carols
8:00 pm Eucharist: DCM Chapel
Reception following Liturgy
Christmas Day Tuesday, December 25
9:30 am Morning Prayer: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
Holy Family December 29 / 30
4:00 pm (Sat) Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am (Sun) Eucharist: DCM Chapel
New Year’s Eve Monday, December 31
7:30 pm Eucharist: DCM Chapel
Epiphany January 5 / 6
4:00 pm (Sat) Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am (Sun) Eucharist: DCM Chapel
Baptism of the Lord January 12 / 13
4:00 pm (Sat) Eucharist: Chapel of the Word
10:00 am (Sun) Eucharist: DCM Chapel