Emboldened by faith and serving with joy, the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids are blessed to announce that Morgan Bengel is a Candidate to become a member of our Congregation.
“I began to sense God calling me. I was sitting in Mass one day during my junior year of high school. I do not remember what the sermon was about, nor the songs we sang, but I do remember that I felt this unexplainable pull somewhere deep inside me. I remember not understanding why, but knowing that I was being called to be a sister. It’s as though God just put this neatly packaged idea right inside the walls in my head. (read more about Morgan, her life, and her discernment path)
What does it mean to become a Candidate? It is a time of entrance and initial formation intended to help Morgan and the Congregation further discern Morgan’s call to religious life as a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister. It is a time of much growth and opportunity. Please join us in holding Morgan in prayer.
More about Morgan…
Morgan was born and raised in Portland, Michigan. She is a graduate of St. Patrick Catholic High School. In 2018, she graduated from Aquinas College with her Bachelor of Science degree. She was a member of the Call to Action 20/30 Project for Mentoring and Leadership aims to cultivate young leaders who live in the paradoxes of Catholic identity.