“See! I will not forget you. I have carved you on the palm of my hand.” Isaiah 49:15
My life began with my devoted Mother and Dad as the oldest of four children. I spent eight happy years with the Grand Rapids Dominicans at St. Philomena School in Beal City. After high school I felt drawn by the example of the Dominican Sisters and so entered Religious Life at Marywood in 1956.
Over the years my vocation has taken many turns. These were formative years for me: summer workshops and earning a certificate for Food Management from St. Louis University, ministering in three dioceses in Michigan and Wisconsin, in two seminaries, with Hospice and Head Start along with my volunteer work in a food pantry for people with needs.
Coming full circle, I pray at this time of Jubilee for all the many people, living and deceased, who have shown me the hand of God at work in my life.