Rejoice in the Lord Always Phil 4:4… I truly can rejoice in the Lord for all these 60 years of abundant blessings throughout my life.
Sister Mary Jo Beckett’s faith and trust in God has remained steadfast throughout her life. In fact, He has held her up through two near-death experiences. In 1982, she was severely injured in a car accident in which Sr. Rose Patrice O’Donnell was killed.
In 1994, it was a brain aneurysm that led to hospitalization, healing, and physical therapy. Her doctor in the hospital told her: “Sister, it looks like the Lord has work for you to do yet. Usually 75% of patients undergoing this type of surgery don’t make it.”
“I had faith and trust God would give me strength,” she says.
Today, the same community that helped her heal from injuries and supported her in times of grieving is the community that receives the gift of her daily presence. Sister Mary Jo commits her time and energy to energize the brains and bodies of Sisters, especially those living with dementia and Altzheimer’s Disease, at Aquinata Hall. Bless you for your gifts and faith, Sr. Mary Jo.