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“Emma is such a sensitive, caring woman… she reaches out to those who are lonely.” — Maribeth Holst, OP about Emma Kulhanek, OP

In 1952, as she prepared to make final profession Sister Emma wrote to the Mother Superior:”I love this life we live and pray I may be accepted.”

Sister Emma Kulhanek has always demonstrated sensitivity and caring. These gifts of God’s to Emma were raised up exponentially as she built upon her education with certificates and degrees… Theology, Individualized Learning, Human Development, Urban Life workshops, Education — all to serve others.

After 35 years of teaching, she enthusiastically and proactively explored career changes. In her third age career, she was called to pastoral care with a focus on service to the elderly, sick, homebound and bereaved; hospital visitation and Eucharistic ministry.

This year, she celebrates 70 years as a Sister. Join us in celebrating Sister Emma Kulhanek’s 70th Jubilee.

Her favorite scripture passage: “Thou wilt keep her in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” Isaiah 26:3

Read more about Sister Emma Kulhanek.

A Jubilee is an anniversary when the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids honor a Sister and reflect on her unique contributions to our lives. We tell stories, share what we’ve learned from and with one another, and reflect on our joys and sorrows. We celebrate! We honor each woman and find ways to celebrate her unique contributions to the world, to the Order of Preachers, and to our Congregation during Jubilee years celebrated at 25, 50, 60, 70, 75, and 80 years a Sister. We hope you are inspired by their Jubilee messages in our upcoming Saturday Sister Stories. This week, enjoy Emma Kulhanek, OP, in celebration of her 70th Jubilee.