I was born in Albee Township into a “Yours, Mine, and Ours” family on September 22, 1928. I was the 17th child in a family of 18 where I learned love, sharing, forgiveness, generosity and hard work! My parents, immigrants from Germany and Czechoslovakia, were farmers and so I grew up living on an 80-acre farm among the crickets and grasshoppers. My parents were Catholic and I had to attend catechism classes on Saturday mornings. The instructors were Dominican Sisters serving in Chesaning, Michigan.
I earned my BA Degree at Aquinas College, my Masters in Elementary Administration and Supervision from Western Michigan University, and a Certificate in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in New Orleans. I am a licensed Workshop Way® Consultant and co-authored books with Grace H. Pilon, SBS, foundress of Workshop Way®. My goal as an educator was to also teach the 3 Rs of Reverence, Respect, and Responsibility.
I have taught in the archdiocese of New Orleans and in the Michigan dioceses of Saginaw, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and Gaylord. I’ve had a variety of professional experiences.
I love people, am a positive and happy person. I have a great sense of humor which leads to lots of laughter.
I thank God for every good gift!

Sr. Monica tutors a child at the WORD program.