God of Mercy, You Have Shown Us

A Hymn Lamenting Gun Violence
Suggested melody: “God of Day and God of Darkness”

Wear Orange June 3-5! This year, we once again unite in our call to end gun violence as we come together for Wear Orange. We honor the communities shattered by gun violence alongside the 120 people who are shot and killed, and hundreds more who are wounded, every day in our country. Together, we call for meaningful action to save lives.

God of mercy, you have shown us
ways of living that are good:
Work for justice, treasure kindness,
humbly journey with your God.”
Yet your people here are grieving,
hurt by weapons that destroy.
Help us turn to you,
believing in your way that brings us joy.

On a street where neighbors gather,
shots are heard; a young girl dies.
On a campus, students scatter
as the violence claims more lives.
In a family filled with anger,
tempers flare and shots resound.
God of love, we weep and wonder
at the violence all around.

God, we pray for those who suffer
when this world seems so unfair;
May your church be quick to offer
loving comfort, gentle care.
And we pray: Amid the violence,
may we speak your truth, O God!
Give us strength to break the silence,
saying, “This can be no more!”

God, renew our faith and vision;
make us those who boldly lead!
May we work for just decisions
that bring true security.
Help us change this violent culture
based on idols, built on fear.
Help us build a peaceful future
with your world of people here.

Tune: The Sacred Harp, 1844. Harm. James H. Wood, 1958.
Text: Copyright © Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, 2009. Email: bcgillette@comcast.net