“We are healed by our songs before the vibrations ever leave our bodies. We are blessed first and then we send out the blessing,” says Kate Munger, Founder of Threshold Choirs.
Grand Rapids Threshold Choir offers an acapela community sing each spring where the larger community is invited to experience a special form of melodic music.
You are invited to join us for an afternoon gift of song as we share our love of singing with our community. We will sing songs that we offer at the bedside of someone who is ill or in the process of dying. We welcome guests to participate in a peaceful “song bath,” where one can lie back in a chair and immerse oneself in the surrounding singing. A donation basket will be available to support our work.
We hope you can join us Saturday, June 22, from 3:00-4:30 pm at East Congregational United Church of Christ, Klise Chapel 1005 Giddings Ave SE, Grand Rapids MI 49506
A Personal Reflection from Dominican Associate and Grand Rapids Threshold Choir Member Marcia Good

For the International Day of Peace 2018, the Thresholds Choir sang in St. Francis of Assisi Sculpture Garden for Prayer and Meditation at Marywood in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
“I first encountered the Threshold Choir two years ago on a Sunday afternoon as I took part in the Peace Walk at the St. Francis Sculpture Garden at Dominican Center at Marywood. Soothing sounds of music floated through the woods. The melodies were unrecognizable, almost lullaby-like and incredibly beautiful. I couldn’t wait to begin the walk and to discover the source of this peaceful, compelling music.
“A few minutes later I rounded a bend in the path and encountered the Grand Rapids Threshold Choir as they sang I will be your standing stone, standing here with you. `What unusual lyrics,’ I thought, ‘and intriguing harmonies.’ I was enthralled.”
“Music has always been a standing stone, a real presence and calling throughout my adult life. For over 40 years I have been a volunteer liturgical instrumentalist and singer. Music, for me, is the best way to pray.”