Join the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids for Advent O Antiphons Evening Prayer from December 17-23
In the quiet of Evening Prayer in our Chapel of the Word at Marywood, candles are lit, songs and psalms are sung, we hear the preached word that inspires, and peace prevails in our hearts.
In contrast to the hustle and bustle of secular Christmas preparation, the O Antiphons quiet the heart so that we can all remember the promise of God to send a Savior.
Each year, the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids host this beautiful seven-night experience.

From Darkness into Light
The O Antiphons are the Evening Prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours for the days leading up to the celebration of the Incarnation at Christmas. This is the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, so we begin our O Antiphons prayers in darkness. A single candle leads our opening procession representing the coming of the Light of Christ into the world. As those gathered light their candles, we are reminded that the Light of Christ is spread through our living according to Christ’s way in our daily activities.
As early as the 6th century the Christian community has been praying the O Antiphons. The Dominican Community has celebrated O Antiphons for over 30 years.
On the seven nights before Christmas Eve, we welcome you.
Each antiphon begins with the call “O” so that we can hear our longing for God’s presence and care for us, personally, and for our world. O God, O Promised Savior, O Loving Power: our prayer names our deepest desire and holy longing. Come, O long-awaited Messiah. This is truly the Advent prayer and the best preparation for Christmas, the birthday of the Christ Child and the Savior of the World.
Join us In-Person
Chapel of the Word at Marywood
111 Lakeside Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
- Seating is limited and reserved on a first come basis.
- Please arrive early to check in and be seated.
- Prayers begin promptly at 7:00 pm.
- There is plenty of parking right in front, overflow parking will be in the lot north of Marywood.
Call (616) 550-1177 or email Deb Kalinka-Manning at dkmanning@grdominicans.org to reserve seating.
*In the case of inclement weather, all public participation will revert to online. We will publish this information on our website and send an email with a zoom link to those registered for in-person. Please check the O Antiphons webpage and your email if weather is questionable.
Join us Online
Register below to participate online via Zoom. Join us for one evening – or all of them!
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with one Zoom link that can be used to participate in any of the seven nights. (Please look in your spam/junk folder if you do not see it immediately.)
- Don’t forget to download the worship aid so you can fully participate from the comfort of your home! The same worship aid is used each evening.
*Reminder: During the Zoom webinar, we won’t be able to see or hear you, but you will be able to see and hear everything, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience!
2024 O Antiphon Speakers
Click here to learn more about our guest speakers.
December 17 – O Wisdom
Guest Speaker: Rev. Kyle Kooyers
Kaufman Interfaith Institute
December 18 – O Adonai
Guest Speaker: Rev. BJ Heyboer
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Newaygo
December 19 – O Root of Jesse
Guest Speaker: Fr. Bill Edens CSP
Cathedral of Saint Andrew
December 20 – O Key of David
Guest Speaker: Gabriella Ciccantelli, Leah Nawrocki, and Lindy Perez
Recent Aquinas College Graduates and Social Justice Advocates
December 21 – O Radiant Dawn
Guest Speaker: Dr. Phillip Johnson
Spiritual Director, Psychotherapist, and Dominican Associate
December 22 – O Ruler of Nations
Guest Speaker: Bridget Clark Whitney
Kids Food Basket
December 23 – O Emmanuel
Guest Speaker: Teresa Burns
Dominican Center Marywood