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On Wednesday, February 21, the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate (CDN) in St. Louis marked its 30th anniversary. An evening of memories, song, and prayer at Aquinas Institute of Theology commemorated the occasion. This was an evening long in the making, scheduled to coincide with the three-day annual meeting of the CDN board of directors. This year’s CDN community -— co-directors Sisters Joye Gros (Dominican Sisters of Peace) and Megan McElroy (Grand Rapids), and novices Rhonda (Sinisinawa) and I (Caldwell) were delighted to welcome board members, the Dominican family, the Aquinas community, and friends to this memorable celebration.

Heartfelt thanks to all who joined us to celebrate the gift of collaborative inter-congregation formation of Dominican women. With hope, we look to a future of promise—promise born of joyful trust in the One who calls us to preach the gospel of love!
