As Dominican Center enters into its 25th anniversary, we honor that the invitation to be in union with God is always open. We are pleased to welcome all to attend programs where reflective listening, study, and dialogue are gifts to be shared.
The transformation and growth of persons, communities, and organizations is the mission of Dominican Center. We look back on 25 years in gratitude for those who have been part of this transformation and we set our sights ahead realizing there is still so much work to do. Our world moves at lightning speed and the news of the day reminds us how much spiritual transformation, for the sake of a just society, is needed.
We stand on 25 years’ worth of planting seeds on Dominican fertile soil. These seeds have taken root and these roots continue to nurture the spiritual formation and contemplative learning experiences our community seeks. We also stand on 25 years with our ears attuned to the Spirit as we continuously move towards a vision that transforms persons, communities, and organizations. Dominican Center responds, staying rooted in the Dominican commitment to preaching truth and reaching out to the periphery to stay relevant to the needs of the local and global community.
In this 25th anniversary year, we are intentionally inviting presenters to share messages of hope, justice, inclusivity, and peace in our Prophetic Voices Series. These truth sayers celebrate our 25-year journey and bring light to paths not yet traveled.
There is still so much work to be done in our world, as these Prophetic Voices share.
In A Yes for Humanity: One Step Closer to Nuclear Disarmament, Carol Gilbert OP and Ardeth Platte OP gave witness to their life commitment to global peace in working for a nuclear-free world. In Peace and Hope Remain, Ambassador (ret) Mary Ann Peters, CEO of the Carter Center and a Marywood Academy alumna, emphasized her hope for our world. She shined a light on the connection between nonviolence and our mandate to care for all creation — in unity with all creation. In the Sisters Who Lead conference, more than 175 local women leaders of color gathered at Dominican Center to share their lived experiences and to empower and support one another in their mission to promote justice and break through invisible walls and ceilings.
If one’s gospel falls mute when facing people who need good news the most — the impoverished, the oppressed, and the broken — then it’s no gospel at all.
~ Lisa Sharon Harper
Listening and Awakening to the Holy
We hear a yearning from those who are contributing to making our society a just society. It is from this that our newest formation program has been developed. Foundations in Wisdom offers the tools and resources, and experiences to renew one’s spiritual foundation, as well as the resolve to live in this world with compassion, and to respond with contemplative service.
We hear a desire from a young community of diverse faith perspectives or not affiliated with a faith tradition, to continue to be a safe place to learn, reflect, and heal, and to discover spirituality from the wisdom of the Dominican Sisters. Nancy Brousseau OP, former Dominican Center director, wrote in 2001 that Dominican Center is in a “unique position to help people integrate the spiritual healing questions into their lives.” This vision is a reality today as Nones (those who claim to be spiritual but do not identify with a specific faith tradition) and Nuns (Dominican Sisters) gather to learn, discover, and build relationships so that by leaning into each other collective sacred wisdom is shared.
We hear from a community seeking holistic health where the mind, body, and spirit are integrated.
“In a society of quick fixes and easy remedies, Dominican Center is needed to support walking the spiritual path with people for a lifetime,” wrote Sister Nancy.
We hear from a community of people of color looking for a place where their voices are heard, their participation valued, and their life experiences and cultures respected and integrated into our offerings and services.
We are listening to the Holy Spirit, always guiding Dominican Center to respond with hospitality and welcome. We listen, and as we do, we continue to fulfill the mission to foster transformation and growth of persons, communities, and organizations through prayer, learning, and collaboration in an inclusive, hospitable environment for many more years to come.
On our 25th anniversary, we listen to the Holy as we move into the next 25 years. We welcome you to Dominican Center at Marywood to listen and learn, contemplatively, and to experience transformation — in the Dominican way.
Dominican Center Marywood at Aquinas College is a ministry of Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids.