Earth Day falls on the same day, April 22, every year. It’s a wonderful opportunity for people around the world to demonstrate their love of Earth, as well as a time to make a commitment to care for our Earth every day after.
As Dominican Sisters and Associates, we are committed to service. As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to make the Earth a beautiful garden for the human family.
The Dominican Life Committee which planned and organized the Service Day Projects are so appreciative of Associate Jarek Kozal for leading the St. Andrew’s Cemetery volunteer crew, of Terrence O’Neil, Grounds Maintenance Manager, for his masterful planning and assistance, of Mark Siegrist of Instruments of Hope for organizing the St. Francis Sculpture Garden work and Sr. Lucille Janowiak, OP for her leadership in the Prairie environs upkeep.
Thank you to Sr. Barbara Hansen for her leadership and support in preparing us for these projects that brought together Sisters, Associates, Sunday Assembly members, and friends for a “hands on” April 22 Earth Day observance. Thank You one and all.