
SisterGretchen Sills

“If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, it will be enough.” -Meister Eckhart

Jubilarian 2018 – 50 Years a Sister

On this my 50th Jubilee I recall the saying, “Time flies when you are having fun.”

  • August 26, 1967 – Walked through the front door of Marywood
  • October 16, 1968 – Became a Novice
  • August 1993 – 25th Jubilee

The date given to an event has held memories for me as time has moved forward. The dates in our past are many, some joy-filled and some sorrow-filled. We place importance on events that have shaped us along the way. I’ve listed only three. There are so many more, too numerous to name. I live in gratitude to family, friends, and community for their support, love, and encouragement as they have walked with me, challenged me to be the best person that I can be. As Meister Eckhart wrote, “If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, it will be enough.”

2022 – 54 Years a Sister

Prayer Ministry

Pray for spiritual directors and directees

Sr. Gretchen explains to a group of visiting high school students what her ministry entails as Archives Support Services.

sister Gretchen evaluating some over-sized documents and artwork in the archives

Sister Gretchen, Sister Lucianne Siers and Sister Roxane Dansereau

In ministry with Sister Gretchen Sills, OP

Catholic Sisters Week: Celebrating Sister Gretchen Sills OP


We Honor and Celebrate Women of Vision and Courage


Today We Golf! 11th Annual Dollars Fore Dominicans Event


A New Candidate for Grand Rapids Dominicans
