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In this podcast, Ruth discussed the longings we may have for deeper meaning than the church and other traditional sources of spiritual nourishment are able to offer. The Holy Spirit can lead us to places of solitude away from what is familiar, structured, and safe. This is so we can learn a new kind of dependence on God in a place of solitude that the church – even in its most robust and healthy forms – can understand.

Presenter | Ruth Haley BartonSpiritually hungry seekers throughout the history of the church have turned to the ancient vocabulary of contemplation and mysticism. The conversation with Ruth and other spiritual teachers seeks to build bridges for these transformative resources to move into the church. This podcast, as well as past and future podcasts from The Invitation, is a service of translation in which we can explore ways to make the vocabulary of transformation accessible and approachable.

The podcast with Ruthmarks the beginning of a new collaboration between Dominican Center and The Invitation. Our shared hope is to offer you a series of similar conversations with spiritual authors, teachers, and practitioners.