Sisters, Associates, and Friends are invited to join us on three different levels of commitment:
Persons signing up are placed in a distribution list for contact. Alerts and study opportunities are sent by email to everyone with the understanding that those who promised to pray do give prayer support. The others on the list will respond as they are able.
Our Justice Issues (in collaboration with the North American Dominican Justice Call to Action) include Peace and Non-violence, Immigration, Human Trafficking, Economic Justice, and Care of Creation. The most frequent activity is to respond to action alerts sent by the Promoter of Justice. These alerts are generated from national and local sources that are trustworthy and usually take 5-10 minutes to make a response. Several of the interest groups have an active committee for study and program planning,
Do not hesitate because you are not in Grand Rapids – conference calls, skyping, or other “modern miracles” can be employed. You can email your area of concern and level of involvement to Sister Brigid Clingman