Sister Verona Wangler OP entered eternal life on May 7, 2024 at the age of 100 after 81 years of religious life.
We commend Sister Verona to your prayers.
Evening Prayer with Remembering Service
Thursday, May 9 at 7:00 pm
Chapel of the Word/Marywood
Funeral Mass
Friday, May 10 at 10:00 am
Chapel of the Word/Marywood
“To help a person – child, youth, or adult – actualize his or her full human potential is both an awesome and glorious responsibility.”
Verona Wangler OP
Sister Verona’s gift and source of happiness was in relationships. One of her admirers remarked: “Sr. Verona is someone you can tell God hand delivered to this planet. She is kind and gentle and inspired me to seek the Lord.” A college student noted their relationship was one of equals and friends with the same “quirky sense of humor” in spite of the 74-year age gap between them.
Sister Verona was the embodiment of that joyful dedicated spirit she admired long ago as a child in West Branch when she came to know the Dominican Sisters. We who knew and loved her will miss her even as we celebrate her long and grace-filled-life.