An Event for Dominican Sisters & Dominican Associates
Each year vowed Dominican Sisters and Dominican Associates of Grand Rapids gather in community to celebrate the Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, one of the patron saints of the Order of Preachers.
The Dominican Sisters and Dominican Associate Luncheon was established in 2013 for Associates and Sisters to get to know one another, enjoy each other’s company, and share stories together.
Dominican Associates participate in the common life value of Dominicans by being attentive to the common good of their life situations including building community with the Dominican Sisters.
The Dominican Sisters & Associates Luncheon is Saturday, April 28, 2018 in Dominican Center Rooms 1-3.
11:00 am Registration and Gathering
11:30 am Lunch
Registration Details
Sisters and Associates, please RSVP by Monday, April 16
For your convenience, you may…
• Stop by the Dominican Center Front Desk
• Call 616-514-3325
• Register Online
“Love has the power to make lover and beloved joined in heart and mind. What one loves, the other loves. They are one.”
– Catherine of Siena, Letters