Does the anticipation of spring bring your spirit new awakening energy?
Emergence is a noun that goes back to the Latin root emergere, meaning “bring to light”. Are there certain spiritual practices that lighten your heart and help you recharge and feel renewed, practices that energize your ability to envision new paths?
Thomas Merton said, “There is in us an instinct for newness, for renewal, for a liberation of creative power.’’ What an invitation to free our spirits to what may come!
Where are you being invited to renew your spirit and imagine emerging possibilities?
When we feel tapped out, our spirits alert us that rest is needed. To recalibrate and liberate our creative juices, we need to rest and restore ourselves.
The Easter season gives us images of resurrection, light, and love everlasting. As a spiritual director, I sense newness and possibilities for those I accompany. There are unexplored spaces just waiting to be seen and felt through a new lens.
According to author and spiritual director Judy Cannato, “… it is a transformation in consciousness, and an experience of transcendence, in which we live out of the connectedness that is our truth. As we continue to evolve in consciousness, continue to emerge as more and more capable lovers, we share in the resurrection of Christ. We not only walk in the light, we become light for others.”
Our winter and early spring programs created spaces for self-exploration and a deepening of personal clarity and awareness. Our facilitators for Enneagram — Gifts of the Spirit, Sharing in the Lenten Encounter, and Dreamwork and the Soul workshops guided participants through recognizing conscious and unconscious encounters.
Are your emotions and noticings nudging you to renewal and compassionate presence?
My sense is that spring offers opportunities for new awareness. Our spring programs focus on renewal and restoring compassionate presence to ourselves and to a world longing for resurrection.
Join us at Dominican Center and explore spirituality practices and learn to support your faith journey.
The upcoming JOY Retreat is a wonderful way to sample the gifts that our programs offer; it is a time for rest and restoration — a banquet filled with prayerful practices.
Spring Sacred Seed Retreat plants wonder and awe in our hearts at the gifts creation offers, inviting our senses to be revitalized in nature.
The Renew Retreat offers individuals or groups the opportunity to experience self-guided exploration of the four elements in the St. Francis Sculpture Garden. This welcoming and quiet oasis in the heart of the city pulses with new life; and the sculptures of St. Francis of Assisi serve us with moments of contemplative reflection.
The webinar: Healing, Wholeness and the Power of Love with Sr. Ilia Delio will certainly affirm the importance of our individual stories and the need to rekindle love as an operative ethic that will heal, transform, and unify us as we steward the gift of compassion for humanity.
As the calendar turns to June we are excited to offer SoulCollage — a Friday evening creative workshop that is sure to enhance your intuitive curiosity through reflection, journaling and helpful sharing.
May you experience a beautiful resurrection of joy in your hearts.