Final Gathering of Be Still and Stay in the Light on September 28
As the final gathering of Be Still and Stay in the Light, it is with full hearts that the Domincan Center Village thanks each of you who’ve been with us. We began these gatherings as a way to explore what staying in the light means to each of us as we navigated the COVID-19 pandemic and sheltering-in-place. Together, we’ve journaled, meditated, prayed, learned, connected, and cultivated light and hope. We couldn’t be more grateful for your time and presence throughout these last weeks and months.

As we all lean into changing times and adjust to new normals, Dominican Center, too, is leaning into transformation and emerging anew.
The Dominican Center Village so appreciates that you’ve come alongside us as we’ve honored this in-between space from how we once operated to our new reality of connecting and learning in online meeting spaces.
It seems fitting that this week’s gathering on Liminal Space ~ Honoring the In-Between will be our last Be Still and Stay in the Light gathering. The village at Dominican Center is working to design new online offerings as well as researching safe ways to hold in-person, socially-distanced programs for small groups. We invite you to continue to be with us in these online spaces and, in the future when it’s safe to do so, be with us in person.
Please visit our website often and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram for news and information regarding upcoming programming. In the meantime, may you stay in the light that we so intentionally created and cultivated throughout this pandemic.
Dominican Center Marywood at Aquinas College is a ministry of Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids.