Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids were part of a joint a 11 a.m. news conference at the Christian Reformed Church of American headquarters earlier today. We joined ecumenical faith leaders calling for a statewide “Day of Prayer for the Children of the Border” taking place this Sunday, July 27.
Our own Sr. Sandra Delgado, Vicaress, spoke up for the children. “We’re praying for the children; praying for a change of heart in the people who are resistant to helping these children.”
The suggested prayer appears at the end of this post and we welcome sharing.
Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids join with the Christian Reformed Church of America, New Life Church of God in Christ, United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), WorldRenew, and many other area congregations and organizations in asking calling upon other churches to participate on Sunday and share this prayer with others.
See coverage of the news conference at WZZM 13, WOODTV8, Fox17News tonight and in the publication El Vocero Hispano.