Grand Rapids Dominican Sister Barbara Reid, OP was interviewed for WITNESS, a production of Salt and Light TV, that premiers this Sunday night, Feb. 28, 2016 at 8:00pm ET / 5:00pm PT on various Canadian cable and satellite channels. Fortunately, the program can also be viewed in the United States and around the world online now.
Sr. Barbara is interviewed by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, who delves into her “brilliant” scriptural studies and teaching, as well as her personal story about what led to her vocation including her formative years taught by Dominican Sisters in Adrian, Mich. and college studies among the Dominican Sisters in Grand Rapids at Aquinas College.
She talks of being enthralled by Dominican Sisters since age six. “I had fabulous teachers. They were the most intelligent, kind and caring women, and they were very joyful. And that was very attractive to me,” responds Sr. Barbara to a question about what led to her vocation.
“After having gone to an all-girls high school… I chose Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan because it was a co-ed college, liberal arts, and a beautiful campus…” She would do her student teaching at East Grand Rapids High School.
She speaks warmly about meeting and getting to know the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids Congregation. “They were joyful, caring, smart, hospitable and before long I found myself inquiring about joining their community.”
“The Convent life was just terrific… there were 30 of in the house, all different ages…The Sisters in the house did a whole range of ministries… the majority were working in the high school and grade school.. but one was at the hospital, one was a school social worker, two were on the pastoral team at a local parish… It was a wonderful, wonderful formative experience.”
All are welcome to share the link to the full interview https://saltandlighttv.org/witness/?f=sr-barbara-reid with others.
Salt & Light TV, an award-winning digital network that offers a variety of programs, event coverage, series, documentaries and other hope-filled content.
Sr. Barbara Reid is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is currently Vice President and Academic Dean of Catholic Theological Union, in Chicago. Sr. Barbara holds a Masters from Aquinas College in Religious Studies, and a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C. She is the author of Abiding Word: Sunday Reflections for Year B (Liturgical Press, 2011; Year C, 2012, Year A, 2013), Taking Up the Cross: New Testament Interpretations Through Latina, and Feminist Eyes (Fortress Press, 2007; Spanish translation: Reconsiderar la Cruz, Editorial Verbo Divino, 2009), The Gospel According to Matthew. New Collegeville Bible Commentary Series (Liturgical Press, 2005), Parables for Preachers (3 volumes; Liturgical Press, 1999, 2000, 2001; Spanish translation: Las Parábolas: Predicándolas y Viviéndolas (Ciclo A, B, 2008, 2009), Choosing the Better Part? Women in the Gospel of Luke (Liturgical Press, 1996), A Retreat With St. Luke (St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2000), and many journal articles. Currently she is writing Sophia’s Table: An Introduction to Feminist Interpretation of the Scriptures (forthcoming from Eerdman’s Press) and is General Editor for Wisdom Commentary Series, a new 60-volume feminist commentary on the Bible (forthcoming from Liturgical Press).