“Thankful for yesterday and today, open to God’s plan for today, the journey continues.”

Jubilarian 2020 – 60 Years a Sister

I remember myself being one in a family of five. My half-brother was in the military and his sister in high school when I entered kindergarten. It wasn’t until my junior year that my youngest sister was born. That disconnectedness is still how we relate today. Hence, I am most thankful for the deep bonds of friendship and support I share with my two siblings closest to me in age.

During my senior high school retreat, God called me to this Dominican community. Through the years as I’ve struggled with life’s challenges, including community living and the call, I’ve only experienced inner peace when remembering the call and remaining true to it. For God’s ever-present sustaining grace and presence, I am thankful.

Relocating about 17 times over the past sixty years of “mission experiences”, I’ve learned that the assigned or mutually discerned ministry wasn’t always the real reason I landed where I did. I’ve come to understand it was God’s way of inviting me to live a much deeper life than I envisioned I ever could.