“I have said often and believe: Time goes fast when you’re having fun.”

I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to be part of so many peoples’ lives, in so many different ways, with wonderful results. My greatest blessing is being part of our Dominican Family of Sisters who have made my life worth living and so fulfilling. I give thanks to God.

My life began in St. Francis Xavier parish in Albuquerque, New Mexico surrounded by loving parents, five brothers and one sister who really fostered my vocation.These were formative years that prompted me to become a Dominican Sister and eventually a teacher. My years in education in schools in New Mexico and Michigan were interesting and challenging. I taught in schools with staffs ranging from 9 Sisters to 2 Sisters. Teaching four grades at Holy Cross on Beaver Island found me with 16 preparations every day! Serving in Peñasco and Santa Cruz and Albuquerque were wonderful years.

Because of my personal interest and the need in the Albuquerque area, I spent years directing Religious Education programs. I also worked with homeless women and their children, began a Ladies Group for widows, worked with Birthright, was Eucharistic minister at a Senior Center, offered Grief counseling and served on Boards. All were wonderful ministries.

For 20 years I lived in the House on Adams St. where we host meetings, hold parties and welcome visitors to the Land of Enchantment.

Today, I live at Marywood. I have truly been blessed by God.