In 1975, Sister Barbara Reid wrote in her Jubilee statement: My Dominican Sisters, you have nourished me in countless ways and have enabled me to minister in directions I never imagined. You have formed me as a woman of the Word and with my family and friends you have been God’s visible presence for me. My heart overflows with gratitude.


Sr. Barbara is one of the leading scholars in feminist interpretation of the Scriptures. She is General Editor for the Wisdom Commentary Series, a 58-volume feminist commentary on the Bible published by Liturgical Press.

In 2021, Sr. Barbara became president of one of the country’s foremost graduate schools of theology and ministry. At that time, the congregation announced, “It is with great joy that the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids share with you the very good news that our Sr. Barbara Reid has been elected as the next president of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. This is the first time a woman will lead the school of ministry and theology. We know the solid gifts of leadership that Barbara possesses and will use to fulfill her new role. She accepts this mantle in a challenging time. Her conviction in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and her desire to form ministers to shape a world of justice, love, and peace will serve her well. We support her with our love and prayers, trusting that the gifts of the Spirit and the grace of the office of President will flow upon her during her years of leadership as president.”

Sr. Barbara has served on the Catholic Theological Union faculty since 1988. She has served as Vice President and Academic Dean and has been actively involved in the Association of Theological Schools, including service on their Board of Directors. She has led many of CTU’s Israel Retreats and Biblical Lands Study and Travel Programs in Greece, Turkey, Israel and the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, and Egypt. A former Spanish teacher, she has given presentations in México, Bolivia, Perú, Uruguay, Brazil, Guatemala, and Santo Domingo. She has also lectured in Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the Philippines, Thailand, and Rome.

She is past President of the Catholic Biblical Association (2014-2015). She received an honorary doctorate from the University of Graz, Austria in 2019 and was inducted into Aquinas College Hall of Fame in 2016. She has received the Yves Congar Award for Theological Excellence from Barry University (2017), St. Martin DePorres Award from the Southern Province Dominican Friars (2016), Jerome Award from Catholic Library Association (2012), Theological Award for Distinguished Women Theologians from the College of Mount St. Joseph (2010), the Sophia Award from Washington Theological Union (2000).

The seeking and preaching of Truth is not over… it is a gift that is very much needed in our world today.

Sister Barbara Reid, OP, wrote and shared these words on the eve of the 800th Anniversary of the Order of Preachers in Rome, Italy in 2017.


Sr. Barbara Reid is one of the leading scholars in feminist interpretation of the Scriptures. She is General Editor for the Wisdom Commentary Series, a 58-volume feminist commentary on the Bible published by Liturgical Press.