Become a Dominican Associate
Dominican Associate Life Mission Statement
Touched by the Holy One, we journey in solidarity with the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids and with one another. Connecting and collaborating in Christian mission and spirituality, we embrace the Dominican charism, ministering in joyful faith and compassionate love.
The very purpose of the gifts of the spirit – is to share them.
Dominican Associates are non-vowed women and men who desire to practice their Christian faith in the spirit of the Dominican Order of Preachers. Associates follow a formation path that includes classes and mentoring by other Associates and Dominican Sisters.
Associates learn to draw on the wisdom and practices of spirituality practiced by Dominicans for more than 800 years. That Dominican heritage holds up liturgical and contemplative Prayer, formal and information Study, concern for community and the Common Life of all peoples.
Associates enjoy a unique and transformative opportunity to engage in fruitful relationships with others who are on journeys of faith and spirituality. They engage in study groups, engage in matters of social justice, and reach out to serve and share blessings of the spirit with others.
Associated with the worldwide Order of Preachers, our Associates preach through their presence — in word and deed. They find joy in sharing the good news of the Gospel in many diverse ways. Like others in the Dominican Family, Associates are empowered by their faith and deepen that faith through Prayer, Study, Community, and Service.
Our patron, St. Dominic de Guzman, preached that mercy is a gift from God and he traveled to spread the Good News. In the Dominican tradition, we trust in the truth that we are formed, and transformed — over and over — through the pillars of our Charism: prayer, study, community, and service. And, as preachers, we extend invitation to you, to others, to be transformed in the same way. Two of the ways we foster the ability to let ourselves be mercied is through contemplation and study. Contemplative prayer is a practice that we can cultivate ourselves and teach to others as we listen for God’s promise of mercy, love, justice, hope. These are the truths we seek.~ Maureen Geary OP