Order of Preachers

  • Can We Talk?

    Can We Talk?

    November 27, 2019

    I attended a conference last October where the speakers discussed the way we talk to one another. They used phrases like “language creates reality,” “brutalization of language,” and “crisis of conversation.” We often equate an opinion with the person and somehow question the person’s right to even exist. This is contrary to Catholic Social Teaching […]

  • Proverbs Receives First Place, Scripture and Book of the Year Award

    Proverbs Receives First Place, Scripture and Book of the Year Award

    June 28, 2019

    The volume on Proverbs in the Wisdom Commentary Series, edited by Barbara Reid, OP, won not only the best book in Scripture, but also the best book of the year from the Association of Catholic Publishers. The “Book of the Year” is chosen from among the first-place finishers of 16 categories. Liturgical Press is the […]

  • OP Lenten Journey: Easter Triduum

    OP Lenten Journey: Easter Triduum

    April 18, 2019

    Lent is a time of grace, renewal, and conversion. The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ’s Paschal Mystery. The single celebration of the Triduum marks […]

  • OP Lenten Journey: Palm Sunday

    OP Lenten Journey: Palm Sunday

    April 10, 2019

    Reflection: Damian understood that most of us find it easier to believe in punishment than in mercy. We just cannot grasp the depths of God’s love and compassion for us. So we live our lives in fear. Yes, we have needed Lent—40 days to marvel at God’s mercy and love for us revealed in Jesus […]

  • OP Lenten Journey: 5th Week of Lent

    OP Lenten Journey: 5th Week of Lent

    April 2, 2019

    Reflect: Am I willing to be open to the spirit working through the people and situations in my life? To what depth am I willing to go to root out injustice and show grace and mercy to the impoverished around me?

  • OP Lenten Journey: 4th Week of Lent

    OP Lenten Journey: 4th Week of Lent

    March 29, 2019

    “Do you believe the myth that perfection can be a goal? The Truth is perfection doesn’t exist; wholeness exists. So, let us strive for wholeness, holiness. This Lent, contemplate that time and intention are necessary to discovering the holy within you and living your Truth.” — Eva Silva, OP Reflect: I have faith that the […]

  • OP Lenten Journey: 2nd Week of Lent

    OP Lenten Journey: 2nd Week of Lent

    March 15, 2019

    St. Catherine of Siena preached this message far and wide, including to the powers of government and Church once she ventured from her devout prayer practice bringing her True self to the world in need. Reflection: Jesus calls me to be His presence in our world. This is a time to contemplate the unique gifts […]

  • OP Lenten Journey: 1st Week of Lent

    OP Lenten Journey: 1st Week of Lent

    March 8, 2019

    Be still and know that I am God! Psalm 46:11 On this first week of Lent…I will listen for God’s voice this week. Perhaps Psalms will be my guide, or a prophet preaching, or a Saint’s witness. “I will follow those whose hearing is attuned to the still, small whisper of love, whose prayer deepens […]

  • Lenten Journey: Ash Wednesday

    Lenten Journey: Ash Wednesday

    March 1, 2019

    As we begin our Lenten journey to discover Christ within us, let us learn to forget ourselves as we listen for the small, soft whisper of God. “If you are going to live your life with Christ, one of the great challenges is to forget yourself. We live in a very introverted society, which is […]

  • Epiphany: The Work of Christmas Begins